Søs Uldall-Ekman
Enfants Terrible is an online magazine founded by Søs Uldall-Ekman and Celine Hallas. The digital magazine has a playful approach to everyday life. Main focus is on creative family living, with an emphasis on art, play and children.
14 issues published digitally. Available via Issuu.
#5 The Tales of Midsummer Issue
#10 The Imagine Education Issue
#11 The Creatures of Light and Darkness Issue
#12 The Best Friends Forever Issue
#13 Art is Everything. Play is more. Issue
#14 The Moon Child Diary issue
STREETHEART was founded in 2009 by Søs Uldall-Ekman and Christina Bennetzen.
What started as a blog, quickly became a community for Danish street art.
“STREETHEARTBEATS” was a street party with live street art and free walls to create on. Combined with a skate competion it was the hightligt of spring for a few years.
Streetheart is a celebration of the arts in the streets in all its quirky and wonderful variations.
STREETHEART were also behind the very popular and very first street art advent calendar in Copenhagen from 2009-2013. With 24 artists creating art for the city for one day each and thousands of Copenhageners playing along it was a a fun and playful project, that offered an alternative way of celebrating christmas in the city.
From 2010-2015 STREETHEART offered art workshops and guided trips in the streets of Copenhagen.
We still do an occasional project here and there, but Roskilde Festival has been a prime time of the year for us.
Faroe Islands with Kids. A guide for travelling with children in the Faroe Islands. Everything you need to make your stay as fun and adventurous as possible.
Breathtaking nature, oceans of the deepest blue and velvety green grass. The Faroe Islands is where you tie bonds as a family an reunite your hearts.